I would like to become a member of RG Frauenfeld
First name of the child*
Last name of the child*
ZIP Code*
Date of Birth*
Phone Number*
Email Address*
First name of the guardian
Last name of the guardian
Desired Start Date from now
The membership fee will be proportionally adjusted according to the chosen start date. The fee will be debited quarterly in advance from the account. Active Members
Newbies (Beginners)
(4-6 years)
CHF 240
Minis (Hobby)
(from 6 years)
CHF 299
Kids (Competition)
(7-12 years)
CHF 349
Juniors (Performance)
(13-15 years)
CHF 389
Seniors (Performance)
(from 16 years)
CHF 400
Passive Members
CHF 20
CHF 50
Please upload a photo for the creation of your membership card (max. 5MB).
I hereby acknowledge the statutes of RG Frauenfeld and consent to the collection, use, and processing of my personal data.
Become a Member